Monday, February 18, 2008

rub a dub dub

My tub needed some serious scrubbing the other day. It was disgusting. I went into the cupboard to mix up my normal baking soda, castille soap and vinegar to find no baking soda or vinegar. Annoyed and ready to scrub at that very moment I grabbed the still full 409 bottle that we've had for a year and went to town.

I had to work so much harder to scrub off that mildew with the gross chemicalness of 409! I thought it would just wipe right off but no! I'm so glad I made the switch to the more natural recipe!! I'm sad I used the nastiness, but I'm also kind of glad because my method has been reinforced! hooray!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you mean white vinegar, right ? (my housemate wouldn't like me to clean the house with her organic cider vinegar :D )